So I was vegetating on the sofa yesterday, can't really remember what I was doing but I know channel 4 was on, no idea what, when whatever I was watching finnished and an advert for film4 came on saying Spirited away was just about to start there! Brightened up my day as it's such a lovely film. When low and behold theres an easter studio ghibli season going on! Well no one told me about this XD. Even though i've seen all of them (I mean ALL of them XD) atleast once and my favs alot more than that =p, im gunna go out of my way to re-watch as many as I can (excluding the ones im not to keen on)
So I thought i'd post to give people a chance to watch to! If you are brand new to anime, or even never seen anime but are interested these are good to warm up to. And big favs of long term anime addicts like myself ^_^
Unfortunatly it's UK tv so only for us brits, but im sure you would have axcess to them in other countires to =D.
So let's see, although if your intending to watch you've missed the first one (but it's on again!) and the second is on right now! (missed it but also on again) I will start from the beginning ^_^
Tuesday 26th March - Saturday 13th April 2013
''Witness the sorcery, discover the magic, embrace the
adventure. Prepare to be spellbound by Film4's most complete Studio
Ghibli Season yet, starting with the Oscar-winning Spirited Away...
Tune in throughout the Easter holidays for daily screenings
of films ranging from Ponyo to Princess Mononoke, from My Neighbour
Totoro to Howl's Moving Castle''
Here is the full list of films that are being shown:
Tuesday 26th March 2013:6:30pm – Spirited Away (Japanese with English Subtitles)
Wednesday 27th March 2013:
6:05pm – Princess Mononoke (Japanese with English Subtitles)
Thursday 28th March 2013:
11:00am – The Cat Returns (Japanese with English Subtitles)
4:35pm – Porco Roso (English)
Friday 29th March 2013:
4:45pm – Kiki’s Delivery Service (English)
Saturday 30th March 2013:
4:55pm – My Neighbour Totoro (English)
Sunday 31st March 2013:
5:15pm – Arrietty (English)
Monday 1st April 2013:
4:35pm – Howl’s Moving Castle (English)
Tuesday 2nd April 2013:
3:15pm – The Castle of Cagliostro (English)
Wednesday 3rd April 2013:
2:50PM – Ponyo (English)
Thursday 4th April 2013:
11:00am – Ocean Waves (Japanese with English Subtitles)
2:35pm – Pom Poko (English)
Friday 5th April 2013:
2:40pm – Whisper of the Heart (English)
12:15am – Grave of the Fireflies (Japanese with English Subtitles)
Saturday 6th April 2013:
4:35pm – Spirited Away (English)
Sunday 7th April 2013:
3:00pm – The Cat Returns (English)
Monday 8th April 2013:
2.25pm – Tales from Earthsea (English)
Tuesday 9th April 2013:
12:55pm – Only Yesterday (Japanese with English Subtitles)
Wednesday 10th April 2013:
1:10pm – Princess Mononoke (English)
Thursday 11th April 2013:
11:00am – Little Norse Prince (Japanese with English Subtitles)
2:30pm – Castle in the Sky (English)
Friday 12th April 2013:
12.45pm – Howl’s Moving Castle (Japanese with English Subtitles)
Saturday 13th April 2013:
TBC – Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind (Japanese with English Subtitles)
&& A link
Some details about the films on and personal take =D
More details if you click on the name of each movie

''A young girl finds herself trapped in a mystical realm in Hayao
Miyazaki's Oscar-winning animated classic.'' (Japanese language/subtitled)
Well I think it's safe to say this was the 'breakthrough' for anime to the masses! It really is a lovely film and alot of peoples fav (although not my personal fav =p). But it really digs into your imagination pulls it out =D

Princess Mononoke, 6.05pm Wednesday 27th March & 1.55pm Wednesday 10th April
''A young warrior prince gets involved in the conflict
between magical beasts and ruthlessly progressive humans in this mature,
complex, epic anime from Hayao Miyazaki'' (Japanese language/subtitled)
Deffo one of my top 5 Studio Ghibli films. I don't know what it is about this film, whether it's a bit more 'grown up' then spirited away or something I don't know, but certainly has the same magical
feeling but with a bit more 'down to earth' issues, Man.V.Planet lol.
feeling but with a bit more 'down to earth' issues, Man.V.Planet lol.

''A teenager saves a cat from traffic, only to discover he's a
prince from a magical feline kingdom'' (Japanese language/subtitled)
This film is just a hoot! I mean look at the picture! Yep they come from the kingdom of cats and you just HAVE to watch it's so amusing, light hearted and heart warming XD

''Hayao Miyazaki's sixth feature film tells of the adventures
of the titular 'crimson pig', a heroic flying ace in the Adriatic in
the years after the First World War'' (English language)
Ha well what can I say about this one, you really have to watch it. Again very light hearted, not really dealing with any huge issues or 'end of the world' situations and a bit more realistic than some of the others APART from the fact that the guy has a pig face XD. Another really good one I really like it for why I cannot tell =p

Kiki's Delivery Service, 4.45pm, Friday 29th March
''A young witch opens her own courier company in this stunning animated tale from Japan's Hayao Miyazaki'' (English language)
I like this film, not love but like alot. It's very nice and heart warming but the first time I watched it was in Japanese and the second time in English which RUINED it for me cos I HATE Kirsten Dunst lol so please don't take my personal hate into account cos it is a really good film I just can't watch it in English cos I get annoyed at the annoying dub job HAHA. Good film though, super cute.

''Two young girls become friends with the magical creatures who reside in
the forest near their new home in Hayao Miyazaki's timeless family film''
(English language)
Well if someone has only ever seen 1 anime movie thier whole life it would have either been Spirited Away or this one! Lol. Almost everyone under a certain age has seen this big round thing, even if they didn't know what it was! IT WAS OUR FOREST FRIEND TOTORO hehe. Deffo a recommend even it it's not one of my top 5, it is happy and lovely and just great to watch on the sofa and leave your body to the happy spirit world, lol. I hope im making sense I just mean you can zone out on the happy levels this film gives you XD

''Studio Ghibli and Hayao Miyazaki sprinkle their inimitable
fairy dust over Mary Norton's classic children's tale of a family of
little people who live by secretly 'borrowing' from their unsuspecting
human neighbours'' (English language)
I am really suprised and really happy this is going to be on. The latest (so far) of the studio chibli releases I haven't watched it nearly as many times as I would like. Seen the borrowers and like it? Then you can't go wrong with this XD. It does kind of have an air of sadness or loneliness running through it, wouldn't you be if you thought you were the last little person =p however its certainly not depressing ina any way. It really makes up for it with the magical look into the world of a borrower and when I watch it I just think 'so cute!'

''The tale of an industrious young milliner magically
transformed into an old woman and her involvement with the household of a
dashing wizard'' (English language)
Ok now go away, leave me be, don't talk to me!
LOL XD this is my favourite studio ghibli movie and one of my all time fav films ever. I cannot count how many times i've seen it and it still gives me the same feeling, like I could disappear into this world and live happily ever after. Im always in such a good mood after watching this XD.
The film is full of magic and the types of things you wonder how anyone could have come up with them, and the story of the sweet but totally pathetic man who you just want to have saved from himself (one of my fav types XD) is just so complimenting
And basically don't try and distract or talk to me or ask me to help you when it's on, I will bite you XO hehe

''A wonderful piece of animation that combines high adventure, vigorous slapstick and artistry to wonderful effect. The feature debut of Japanese anime master Hayao Miyazaki'' (English language)
This film is just top! I've only seen it the once (or rather only had a chance to see it the once) and I really enjoyed it! It wasn't one you can zone out on, it was really amusing and I remember it made me giggle. I can't say mich more on it cos you really need to watch it, I know I will XD. The only thing is I watched it in Japanese and I know in some movies alot can be lost in the translation so I hope it is just as good in English

''Studio Ghibli grandmaster Hayao Miyazaki returns with a fishy tale'' (English language)
>..> thats great work there people at film4, very insightful, lol.
SO CUTE! Just So Cute! CUTE. Lol I love this one, although it's supposed to be a 'kids film' I totally enjoy it, it's adorable and so well done! Magic and really makes me feel younger

''After spotting an old flame in a crowded railway station, a young man reminisces about their time in high school together'' (Japanese language/subtitled)
Ok so I can't actually say anything about this cos I know i've watched it, or started to watch it, or something and don't remember it at all. Very possible I turned it off, or did something else but it didn't catch my attention obs. But as with all of them give it a go, I know if you like heart warming life like movies this will probs fit the bill. Will try and catch it again and see if I do better this time =p

Pom Poko, 2.35pm Thursday 4th April
''Magical raccoon dogs want to stop humans from developing their woodland habitat. Classic anime parable by Isao Takahata'' (English language)
I tried watching this, couldn't watch it, done. Lol I didn't really get to where it was getting at, found it a bit dumb, but I know a couple of people who really like it (and oddly they are all boys, so I dunno if thats something) HAHA. So give it a go, this is just my opinion, and if your a girl and you like it let me know! Hehe

''Animated tale of teenage uncertainty, aspiration and love from Studio
Ghibli, written by Hayao Miyazaki and directed by his protege Yoshifumi
Kondo'' (English language)
This is very sweet. Just that i've not got much to say on it. As you can probably see a running theme I personally enjoy the more magical and mysterious studion ghibli films than the realistic kind but this is deffo in my mind the best of the 'life like' movies.

''Animated drama set in Japan toward the end of the Second
World War. Two children fall on hard times as a result of the war, and
try to go it alone'' (Japanese language/subtitled)
OK this is just MY PERSONAL opinion but I cannot watch this! I've seen it once and it's too real and too sad. TOO SAD like so depressing makes me sad, lol. But it's beautifully made and I know there are alot of people who really like it

''Fantasy anime loosely adapted from the works of Ursula K
LeGuin. The directing debut of Goro Miyazaki, son of the Ghibli master
Hayao Miyazaki'' (English language)
Another of my top 5! Lol, again a little more grown up than some of the others, more of a theme of love and bonds I think but still full of magic and things, love it. Its kinda about struggle and hardship facing your own self but told so well and of course add a wizard and im happy

Only Yesterday, 12.55pm Tuesday 9th April
''An independent-minded office worker reflects on her formative
years in 1960s Tokyo in this coming-of-age tale from Studio Ghibli
co-founder Isao Takahata'' (Japanese language/subtitled)
OK again not gunna talk about this cos I know i've seen it but don't remember watching it AT ALL! Maybe I didn't even watch it =/, but I think I did. But im not really one for the sentimental 'looking back on life' movies, anime or not so you should deffo give it a go anyway! Unless your like me and you need flying people and dragons to keep your attention XD hehe

Little Norse Prince, 11am Thursday 11th April
''A young orphan defies a demon who's terrorising the people of ancient
Scandinavia in this early feature from Isao Takahata, later of Studio
Ghibli'' (Japanese language/subtitled)
I remember starting to watch this and turned it over at some point. Didn't really hold my attention (which wander easily so I don't blame the film =p) but as with the others please give it a go if you have the chance, but I won't blame you if you don't XD

''An orphaned boy and girl go in search of the mysterious
floating kingdom of Laputa in this engaging animated feature from Hayao
Miyazaki'' (English language)
OK we are back on track, lol, got a little lost there but this is another classic that I think is underestimated. Not so much grown up issues but still think it can relate to everyone, so sweet

''Hayao Miyazaki's epic, eco-conscious animated fantasy, in which a
warrior princess must prevent an apocalyptic war on a desolate,
dystopian future Earth''
I absolutly adore this movie! There is just something about it, even though I HATE bugs (you'll get it when you see it XD) but yeah I don't really want to explain it cos I do think everyone should watch it. I don't know what it is but something about this film really keeps me glued
Well I hope some of you get to watch some of these movies! I would love to do a post when it's all done and will list the ones I managed to watch and would love to hear which ones you catch & how you found them if your anime virgins =p
Yay! So glad it's not just me watching these. I have them all set to record, just love them!
ReplyDeleteOh and I'm a girl and I love Pom Poko. ha ha. It was really weird at the beginning but by the end I loved it. I even have a postcard from the Ghibli museum on my fridge. ha ha.
YAY thats great! good job I made the post
DeleteHaha thats great! I just thought it was so funny when I talked to friends it was only boys that said it was good =p.
I will deffo give it more of a chance then, maybe I gave up on it too soon cos I was like 'why am I watching this =/' hehe
Thank for the post hunni! Will deffo post again at the end of the season to see which ones people caught and what they thought of them =D
Aghhh thanks so much for this!! :D Just set a load to record hehe
Thats great in so glad! Let me know which ones you watch =D
wooooooooooooop best films EVER!!
ReplyDeleteI saw this advertised on Twitter, I think a magazine posted it up. These mini description/reviews you've done are amazing! I agree with you about Spirited Away too, it's such a clever and lovely movie!
Yay! Do you have a fav? Or you gunna watch them all then decide? hehe
DeleteAww thank you well I had to say something =D
it is, so nice to watch it, I did catch it but will watch it again, hehe
Have you seen Totoro today? Aaaah, I love love love Miyazaki... *_*
I MISSED IT! So bad, I had to go out 'Easter Shopping' but it is so adorable! Which is your fav one? Or are you waiting to see? =p
As a fan of Studio Ghibli, I think you'd like Oblivion Island!
"An animated romp for the young and the young at heart! This internationally acclaimed feature film blends Japanese folklore and storybook charm reminiscent of Alice in Wonderland into an exhilarating tale sure to amaze animation fans of all ages. Sixteen-year-old Haruka is on a mission to find her mirror—a precious childhood gift from her late mother that has disappeared. On her search, she follows a strange fox-like creature to Oblivion Island, a mystical world overflowing with once-cherished items taken from their neglectful owners. Trouble follows Haruka and her new friend Teo at every turn as they contend with the island’s overbearing ruler, who will stop at nothing to use the mirror for his own sinister plan!"
i love there films!!!! I love totoro, spirited away, howl moving castle, kiki delivery services ^_^
ReplyDeleteVisit my blog I'm new too this ^_^
and maybe we can follow each other? ^_^