Friday, 15 March 2013

Updates! Blue Hair & Gritty Nails

So I thought i'd update you guys on how the blue hair is going. As I mentioned in my pastel hair posts i'd dyed my hair blue & purple, DARKER than i'd want it to end up to make a longer last pastel colour. And here's how it's going ^_^

After 4 washes

& then after 5 washes!

 It is a bit darker in life, but still a lovely pale blue =3. AND I have been washing it in HOT water so it would have stayed darker if i'd washed it in cool water!! Because I wanted to fade it out, I would normally and from now on will wash it in cool/coldish water, which does make it last longer!
Plus adding on pastel blue from now on will last longer, cos it has a nice blue base =D
SEE I told you I knew what I was doing! Haha XD

So i've gone from this to this:

Longer lasting pastel hair =D >see origional pastel hair post<
Also am loving the Barry M gritty nail effects. Still not sure about the effect itself but I adore the colours and am having fun playing around with them, so will do a couple of nail looks!

Barry M Textured Nail Paint Station Road & Kingsland Roard
+ Rimmel Pro Matte Top Coat

Barry M Textured Nail Paint Ridley Roard
+ Rimmel Rock Your Colour Glitter Top Coat
+ Rimmel Pro Matte Top Coat

I am really loving these with the Rimmel Matte top coat, it really tones down the gritty effect, of course you could add a normal top coat for a shiney finnish

☆ Thank You So Much For Reading ☆


  1. Oh my gosh! Your hair is absolutely gorgeous, such a pretty colour.

    1. Thank you! Thats so nice, im really happy with the colour ^_^

  2. Can i have your hair please???
    it's so pretty :) Love the nail polish too ^_^

    1. Of course you can! Hehe. Thanks sweety
      Yeah im enjoying playing with the different colours, and it's easier to add layers to them for some reason, cos of the texture I think

  3. Beautiful hair :D Im so envious!
    and I wasnt really liking these new textured nails but the blue with glitter is so pretty, like an icicle! :D


    1. Thank you so much Sami!
      Yeah it's still growing on me but im enjoying playing around with them =D
