End of June Haul
Haha yes i've collected a few more things. I've been really lucky with what i've found so I thought they were worth sharing with you guys.
I got my hands on some really nice new things and a couple things that were replacements for what i'd run out of but wanted to share
I got my hands on some really nice new things and a couple things that were replacements for what i'd run out of but wanted to share
And this is my face...........*shrugs shoulders*

Pro:Voke Touch Of Silver Twice Weekly
''This 'hair hero' harnesses the active violet pigment that coats the hair
shaft to eliminate brassy yellow tones, adding vibrancy and depth to
bring a new lease of life to dull lifeless hair. Hair is left instantly
revived, soft and supple. Two applications a week to protect colour and
build shine.''
So I talk about this alot when im doing hair posts but that is because it is a MUST for blonde or 'crazy coloured' hair! I have pink hair atm and im still using it alot so I had to pick up some more (but it does last aaaages). It is such a lifesaver after or inbetween bleaching or dyes while going lighter for helping orange hair or brassy tones or just those making those stubborn roots so much better. Im using it mixed in with my normal shampoo to stop any orange tones coming through the pink which does tend to happen around my naughty roots. However I won't be using it as often soon as I will be trying a more coral pink! Yay, but will still use to stop brassy orange coming through. I like to use it when I have purple, pink, blue, blonde or silver hair. I've never had red hair so I don't know what it would do and I didn't use it when I had mint green hair as it would have tainted it.
In the range there are 3 products, this is the twice weekly, highly pigmented but atm im using it everytime I wash my hair because (i've put in my hair posts) with light coloured hair cutting down the amount you wash it really helps. It's really runny so it can go everywhere if your not careful. The other two are daily shampoo & conditioner. As you can guess they arn't as pigmented. I just stick with this one
TIP TIME: If you are going from brown or dark hair to blonde always rest your hair for atleast a week between bleaches. In that time using this is a huge help and you may find after using it you won't have to bleach it again! I like to run it into my dry roots after a bleach as I can still be very brassy, then rinse out and wash as usual. I left a mixture of this and water and my normal shampoo once and it turned my faded lilac hair into an amazing lilac/silver which lasted for ages cos it stained the hair, loved it and has set up my pink so well. Other than that I like to pop it on in the shower and leave it in for a few mins.
TRESemmé Keratin Mask 300ml
''TRESemmé Keratin Mask intensively replenishes hair for smoother, easier to style hair''
My hair is in really good condition (considering what I put it through, haha) but I still like to treat it! I like using tresemme but as for the masks it's a bit hit and miss. This was my first time getting this one and i've used it a few times and it is very nice. I also like to mix things like this in with any condition dye, im gunna be sitting with it on for ages might as well put some goodness in
''Easy-to-apply felt tip nib for all day long lustrous looking
eyes. The fast-drying versatile felt tipped pens give your makeup look
an instant burst of colour. Set trends with four intense, high powered hues including
purple, blue, teal and black.''
So I have used the same eyeliner for years. It is the rimmel one with the felt tip. I really hate and can't get on with bristle tip liners. The main reason I have used the same one is because it is a felt liner and I do really like using it however I have always had a bit of trouble getting sharp lines. The tip is very soft buuuut I just never got round to trying out others (although I have tried gel liner & other bristle tips, blech!) Sooo when I happened to be out my mum pointed out to me how pretty this shade of something would look on me and when I asked ''well what is it'' she said it was this liquid eyeliner. Of course my first reply was ''oh it is a pretty colour'' because by now she had put a swatch on her hand ''but I don't use normal eyeliner I can only get on with felt tip liners''. Well........when she said it was I though what harm could it do! HAHA 

I really like them, I don't think I can recall ever getting anything from this brand but it was the teal my mum pointed out to me and of course had to get the black. The one thing I have noticed is although applying is much MUCH easier than my normal liner the colour seems to have faded out during the day! I did have to re-apply (which I don't really mind as I always carry my make-up around anyway) but with the rimmel I never have to re-apply no matter what! So brand wise I guess the Rimmel is better but the application on this is a dream. I can always mix up the 2, Apply this one then to a fill in with the rimmel but we shall see how it goes. Swatch Below
''The look of a liquid eyeliner in an easy to apply eye pencil, in a variety of rich colours''. A 'liquid effect' pencil with a built in blend tool on the other end. Niice. I got this for my mum, we have the EXACT same colour eyes so it's easy to buy for her. Being older she prefers deeper colours so it's a really nice shade, very flattering and pretty without being in your face and my mum says it's really easy to put on and she really likes it. Swatch Below
Rimmel Exaggerate Automatic Lip Liner
So I didn't go out to get THIS lip liner but I needed a red one (now that I can finally wear red now I have found my shade!) haha, but im happy it was Rimmel as I always like what I get when it's Rimmel. But it really is a good product! I've used it once since I got it and even after eating and drinking and my lip lacquer came off this didn't and it's a great shade
Left ~ Rimmel Lip Pencils
Right Top ~ Extreme 24 Hour Felt Tip Liner Black
Right Middle ~ Extreme 24 Hour Felt Tip Liner Teal
Right Bottom ~ Maxfactor Pencil
Rimmel I Love Lasting Finish Sweet As Sugar
''Fun! Fresh! Funky! All the on trend colours you need! The BEST shades,
the FUNKIEST shades! And they're long lasting! Make your nails rock in
the brightest, boldest shades. It's hard wearing, daring fashion at its
best. Great funky pack! Super Value! Amazing impact!''
Just a random buy, one of those things that catches my eye as I walk past

It's super pretty and I have bought a few from this range before, they are great quality polishes but they do chip quickly so NEED a top coat.
Garnier Moisture Match
Normal to Dry & Combination to Oily
So there was something about these that really wanted to make me try them out. The one for normal to dry is for my mum and the other is for me, I did try some free samples and the texture was really nice, didn't really feel like a cream it was a bit more watery but not runny, if that makes sense so I thought maybe it wouldn't be heavy for my very difficullt skin. Hopefully it will be ok because this is Garniers last chance with me, recent products I have used have been awuful so I will do a post on it after using it for a while, with more information to.
Dr.Jart+ BB Cream
So this is my fav BB cream, this one is a replacement after running our and literally cutting open my old one and scraping every single bit out. I won't go into much detail as I will do a whole post on it but i've tried alot of bb creams and i just love this it's amazing
Extreme 24 Hour Felt Tip Liner
So buy the end of the week I had tracked down and purchased it in purple aswell
It is a really nice plum purple which goes well with so much and with every colour eye

Benefit Boi~ing 01
In previous posts I had mentioned that my mother had handed off her boi~ing to me, but it was in 02. I love the concealer but the colour was too dark really (I had to mix with the lightest urban decay concealer). I haven't used it yet as it (along with the garnier & bb cream arrived this morning) so I can't wait!

UNI QLO One Piece T-Shirts
Yep this is my supper happy time scream and I have not removed the big ol' goofy grin from my face since it came this morning 

I just had to post as im so excited and so happy! I really wanted something like these for ages (anime T) and it was only by chance I was reading my tokyopop newsletter when they mentioned these t-shirts. I knew UNI QLO did some anime t's (Naruto & Dragonball) and I know they've got even more now but they were not available in their UK store (still arn't). So I thought it was worth a look to see if they had and OP (One Piece) ones AND THEY DOOOOOO!
Infact they still do if anyone wants to go lookie, they are selling out of sizes already. It is kinda annoying that going back to look after these arrived they are NOW doing a multi-buy deal of 2 for £19.90 but I still would have bought these anyway
Infact they still do if anyone wants to go lookie, they are selling out of sizes already. It is kinda annoying that going back to look after these arrived they are NOW doing a multi-buy deal of 2 for £19.90 but I still would have bought these anyway
> See Here <
P.S These are men's T's BUT JO DON'T CARE!

Gimme that TonyTonyChopper

Zombie Unicorn
I think i'll do a whole post on this order again as I really owe her now...the amazing her...I LOVE HER. Zombie Unicorn is my FIRST sponsor and has sent me some goodies for the giveaway! And they are totally amazing and adorable thank you soooooooooo much Z.U 

So if I haven't put much info on something and I haven't said I would write a post but you want me to just let me know

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